AFCs for Woodfibre LNG
DIESTA tubes and the consequent improved performance were the winning factor in the order for several air fin coolers (AFCs).
Woodfibre didn't choose the DIESTA efficiency to reduce the plot plan and target a CAPEX reduction. Instead, they preferred to fully use the available plot plan, maximizing the LNG trains output.
This LNG order represents a great double strategic value: LNG is part of our Green Tech pillar and this is the first order where DIESTA tubes will be installed on the process side of the LNG plant. This success has been the result of great cross-functional teamwork and great cooperation with the customer.
About Woodfibre LNG
Woodfibre LNG is a proposed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export facility currently in the pre-construction phase. The Project is owned and operated by Woodfibre LNG Limited, a privately held Canadian company based in Vancouver, British Columbia.