Gas Facility - Tube Replacement
Abu Dhabi gas facility opts for more environmentally-friendly cooling. The cooler bundles in an air fin cooler (AFC) at a large onshore gas facility in Abu Dhabi needed to be replaced due to wear and tear.
Lower emissions
Originally supplied by Kelvion, the equipment had been performing heavy duties at the site since it was delivered nearly 30 years ago.
We already had a long-standing and successful relationship with this client and, after visiting the site, our engineers suggested using more environmentally-friendly DIESTA tubes as replacements. AFCs fitted with DIESTA tubes offer advantages over conventional technologies. They provide a higher heat transfer rate with lower emissions and use less power.
Impressive engineering
Because our client was unfamiliar with this product, we had to clearly demonstrate that it had the capability to fulfil all their cooling requirements. Impressed with the expertise of our service engineers, together with the know-how of our team in Nantes our customer agreed to go ahead with the DIESTA tubes. Also they opted to replace the complete unit of ten bundles instead of the two originally planned.
The result
In a further vote of confidence, the customer is acquiring DIESTA AFC technology for an upcoming project that is part of a plan to make the United Arab Emirates gas self-sufficient.